Adebola Oyedeji: Empowering South African Women
The Women in Cannabiznis event was hosted by WSU Chemistry senior researcher professor Adebola Oyedeji
Women involved in the cannabis industry recently gathered in Lusikisiki...
Cannabis Processing Without The Mansplaining
Inside a few small rooms in a Northwest Arkansas office building, four women are blazing a unique path in the state’s cannabis industry. Shake...
Dr. Chanda Macias: Empowering Women In Cannabis
Dr. Chanda Macias, the CEO of National Holistic Healing Center, on playing catch-up with other industriesDr. Chanda Macias, PhD, is a true cannabis pioneer:...
Beryl Solomon, Founder of Poplar, Talks Cannabis E-Tailing
Beryl Solomon is the founder of Poplar, aka "Your Modern Drug Store," a multi-brand CBD e-tailer that curates cannabis wellness products and experiences. Beryl...
Nancy Whiteman, CEO Of Wana Brands
Nancy Whiteman, CEO Of Wana Brands, shares what it takes to make it in the cannabis businessCannabis is big business making an even bigger...