420 Girl – Donna Lambert
Donna Lambert lived with the pain for as long as she could stand it. Struggling with a handful of serious illnesses, including hepatitis C,...
420 Girl – Alison Ledden
From the outside, Jan Cole's recreational marijuana store in Boulder, Colorado, just feels welcoming. Big glass windows let in natural light, and the walls...
420 Girl – Kristina Marie
Kristina Marie refused chemotherapy and is shrinking the tumor in her brain using high-THC cannabis oil.
420 Girl – Genifer Murray
Owned by Genifer Murray, one of the prominent women involved in the marijuana industry, CannLabs is a full fledged marijuana testing lab. CannLabs analyzes...
420 Girl – Whoopi Goldberg
The Cannabist, The Denver Post's marijuana themed site launched after Colorado legalized marijuana for recreational use, will feature Whoopi Goldberg's column every two months,...