420 Girl – Mikki Norris
Mikki Norris has been an activist for drug policy reform since 1989 when she formed the American Hemp Council along with her husband Chris...
420 Girl – Michelle Rainey
A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step and each day Michelle's feet hit the ground running with the conviction of...
420 Girl – Pauline Sabin
Pauline Sabin, the first woman to sit on the Republican National Committee, said in regard to prohibition in 1932. "The young see the law...
420 Girl – N Rielle Capler
N. Rielle Capler, MHA, has worked as researcher and policy advisor in the medical cannabis field for 13 years. She helped pioneer Canada’s first...
420 Girl – Tamara Cartwright-Poulits
Tamara Cartwright-Poulits, who was diagnosed with colitis 20 years ago, has been legally growing her own supply of marijuana for three years. She says...