420 Girl – Lauren Vazquez
Medical marijuana patient Lauren Vazquez carries a cannabis plant in her backpack to the news conference that was called to criticize the federal government's...
420 Girl – Alanis Morrisette
"I consider myself a moderate user. Smoking a joint once in a while gives me a huge head start as an artist. I often...
420 Girl – Janie
Age: 19
Birthplace: Northampton, Massachusetts
Residence: Santa Cruz, California
How often do you smoke?
I smoke about three times a day, usually in the evening while I relax...
420 Girl – Pandy Arrieta
Pandy Arrieta takes care of a marijuana plant in a classroom before the start of a class at Oaksterdam University in Oakland, California.
420 Girl – Amber Peters
Although found all over the male and female plants, trichomes are particularly concentrated on the female inflorescence or bud. When talking about cannabis for...