420 Girl – Angel Swanson
Angel Swanson never believed in any drugs, until one of her daughters, who had serious digestive issues and had never weighed more than 100...
420 Girl – Samantha Seigal
Employee Samantha Siegel at The Green Room medical marijuana dispensary in Boulder, Colorado. - The Daily Camera
420 Girl – Dawn Blackwell
Dawn Blackwell is a cannabis concierge with Colorado Rocky Mountain High Tours, a company catering to adults who want to tour the recreational marijuana...
420 Girl – Cher Neufer
For Cher Neufer, a 65 year old retired teacher, socializing with friends, all in their 60s, means using marijuana. Once a week they get...
420 Girl – Ruth Horner
Ruth Horner shows off the bag of marijuana she purchased minutes earlier from the first marijuana dispensary to start selling pot in Arizona. -...