WA: Senior Citizens Take Field Trip To Seattle Marijuana Dispensary


Seattle — Grandma and grandpa took a field trip to a Seattle area pot shop to learn about a drug which for many in the United States is still illegal.

On Thursday, Vela Cannabis in Sodo hosted Cannabis 101 for a group of eight seniors from Sound Vista Village in Gig Harbor.

They saw the facility’s indoor grow operation and cannabis extraction lab, before getting an overview of the shop’s products, and a chance to buy anything they liked.

One woman, we spoke to was looking for something to help with her daughter’s arthritis.

Two other women said they were raised to think of marijuana as a strictly harmful substance, but now, they are more open-minded about its benefits.

"I’ve thought about it but where would I get marijuana," said one woman, adding "I’ve never tried it, but I’m sure my children have."

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: Senior Citizens Take Field Trip To Seattle Marijuana Dispensary
Author: Staff
Contact: 206-674-1313
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Website: Q13 Fox