CA: Douglas County Against Recreational Pot Sales


Douglas County is on a path to not allow recreational marijuana.

Planning commissioners on March 14 ruled that retail dispensaries, cultivation, testing, product manufacturing and distribution facilities will not be allowed.

This does not affect the use of marijuana.

Nevada voters last fall approved recreational marijuana. However, Douglas voters were against it. The measure allowed the county to have two dispensaries if it so chose to.

Bob Fehskens of Zephyr Cove, co-owner of High Sierra Cannabis, had hoped for a different outcome because he and his partners had planned to open a shop in Stateline. He was the lone speaker Tuesday supporting recreational pot shops in the county.

Ultimately it will be up to the Board of Commissioners to decide the fate of the sale and production of recreational marijuana in Douglas County.

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: Douglas County Against Recreational Pot Sales
Author: Staff
Photo Credit: None Found
Website: Lake Tahoe News