Wilmington Virtual Reality Company Wants To Change The Way You See Cannabis Culture


WILMINGTON Behind a narrow door on the ninth floor of the Murchison building, the Cannabis Virtual Reality Network is gearing up to launch what its founder calls a revolutionary program.

Cannabis Virtual Reality Network (CVRN) promises a subscription-based service for 360-degree and virtual reality (VR) content based around cannabis culture, the first of the kind in its world, according to Matt Dula, founder of the CVRN.

I know, its a lot of buzzwords, so it takes a minute to see how it all comes together, Dula said. But, essentially, were talking about immersive content for all aspects of cannabis. That means entertainment, education and legislation. The scope is really revolutionary, it will be the first of its kind.

Dula says his CVRN will provide everything from virtual on-stage access to concerts to educational programs about cannabis applications to political engagement on marijuana legalization like North Carolinas latest medical marijuana bill, which was introduced last week.

The system works with smart phones, mounted in headsets like the Oculus or Google Cardboard, and headsets. Users find themselves in a virtual spherical room, with content screens floating in the round. Looking at a screen immerses the user into a wide variety of 3D experiences.

Dula said being able to bridge these diverse markets is crucial.

To a certain extent, the marijuana culture content will help pay for the educational content, he said. People will pay to be onstage with 311 or Snoop Dogg. That experience is popular, to be able to look to your right, and theres the artist, to look to your right and see out over the crowd thats a big deal, thats exciting. But, I admit, not as much for a biochemistry lesson on cannabanoids, or an investment review of a 3D hemp printer.

Dula added that there are more important reasons for bringing together disparate sections of the cannabis community than just funding.

So, theres successful professionals who are interested in managing their blood pressure or anxiety with cannabinoids who have no interest at all in getting high, or in concerts or stuff like that, he said. There are people in the tobacco industry and cotton industries looking for ways to invest in hemp plantations.

Dula said this silent majority of the cannabis community will be instrumental in changing legislation on hemp and marijuana and in funding the private cannabis economy in the future. Dula believes he is a good candidate to try and reach this group. A North Carolina native and U.S. Marine Infantryman who toured in Afghanistan, Dula has used cannabinoids to treat both the mental and physical repercussions of intense combat duty.

Im not a stoner, literally or in terms of style, Dula said. I dont look like the stereotype. Im a Marine, my whole family is military [Dulas brother Keith, who also works at CVRN, was in the U.S. Army]. Im a big southern bearded guy. And I dont like getting high, though I absolutely think it should be legal for medical use. I recognize the overwhelming benefits of cannabinoids, including THC. But thats not for me.

Dula said he is passionate about the full range of use cannabinoids offer, a message often lost in the haze of marijuana culture.

The message is essential and its wide reaching, Dula said. There are 113 cannabanoids, and weve only just started to research how the endocannabinoid system in human body works.

But its not just in medicinal use, but in manufacturing, in textiles, he said. We could build inexpensive, fireproof public housing out of hemp concrete, but its illegal to grow in North Carolina. There are so many problems hemp and cannabis can help address. But heres the thing the usual messenger for this kind of information, that kind of stereotypical dreadlocked college kid, that makes it easy for people to laugh off and basically ignore. This technology is going to help change that.

So how does Dulas virtual reality network help him reach people?

Its difficult to explain until youve experience it, he said. Theres been recent studies that show emotional engagement is increased by over 25 percent. But, okay, maybe thats millennials.

Dula proposed an extreme example, saying: Let me put it this way. Imagine youve got a state representative, and theyre against medical marijuana. One more photograph of a person in a hospital bed isnt going to change them. But I can put them in the room with someone suffering, dealing with the nausea from chemotherapy. You look around and see their family. The impact of that kind of immersion is impossible to measure.

According to Dula, the goal of CVRNs programming would be balance. The company teamed up with Wilmington-based virtual reality filmmakers Expect VR at last years Cucalorus festival; the partnership already has plans for a number of programs.

So, yes, if you want to be onstage with Snoop, we can do that. And thats awesome. But I can also walk you through a cannabis field, I can show you the plant, how its harvested, how its processed, he said. :I can take you to a meeting with industry professionals. I can put you at the table with legislators and businessman. The news shows you one person talking, I can put you there. You can turn over your shoulder and see what the other senators are doing. Are they paying attention, are they rolling their eyes? Youre there.

Dulas CVRN is part of a much bigger movement, including its parent company Canna Origin, for which Dula serves as chief executive officer. Canna Origin includes dispensaries, hemp-based 3D printing and medical advising for cannabis issues. (Watch Dulas 3-D printer at work on its Instagram page).

Dula said he hopes the Kickstarter-funded launch of CVRN will help it become the in house media wing of this larger movement, which has the ultimate goal of solving the worlds problems, or at least a lot of them.

I know that sounds lofty, Dula said. But right now the only thing stopping us from trying is a lot of misinformation. I think we can do something about that.

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: Wilmington Virtual Reality Company Wants To Change The Way You See Cannabis Culture
Author: Benjamin Schachtman
Contact: (910) 772-6300
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Website: Port City Daily