Canada: Regulating Marijuana Growops In West Kelowna


The City of West Kelowna is considering bylaw changes regarding the production of medical marijuana.

Councillors are expected to give first reading at Tuesdays meeting to a zoning amendment bylaw to regulate commercial medical marijuana facilities.

The proposed changes would disallow marijuana from being grown in a greenhouse or nursery.

They would also require air filtration and security provisions for commercial grow-ops which would be restricted to properties specifically zoned for that use.

The city has received several complaints about nuisance smells and safety concerns associated with marijuana production in residential neighbourhoods.

At the request of city staff, the new commander of the West Kelowna RCMP detachment clarified the forces position on marijuana dispensaries, including compassion clubs.

Owners or employees of a medical marihuana dispensary may be charged with trafficking in a controlled substance should evidence exist to support a charge.

The federal government is expected to legalize marijuana possession later this year.

Until then, its illegal under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act.

The RCMP is responsible for enforcing Canadian laws, as they stand today. Our communities expect that we will take enforcement action to meet this responsibility, said Roseberry.

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: Regulating Marijuana Growops In West Kelowna
Author: Staff
Contact: Report CA
Photo Credit: iStock
Website: Report CA