Indo Expo Hosts Fifth Marijuana Trade Show In Denver


The Indo Expo brought its fifth cannabis trade show to the Denver Mart January 28 to 29, attracting both industry insiders and members of the public eager to learn about the latest innovations and advances in marijuana. Over the years, the show has doubled the number of booths and attendance has tripled.

The first day of the expo brought together cultivators of both big- and small-scale operations to discuss the newest trends in the cannabis industry; the second day was open to the public. "We wanted to give back to the community," explains Stephanie Swimmer, Indo Expo operations director.

Businesses at the show interested in hiring were given signs to alert passersby. "It’s a great way to help people in town trying to get in the industry," Swimmer says.

On display were irrigation systems from huge international companies like AutoPot, which was selling modular systems to growers like Los Suenos, the largest recreational cannabis farm in the country, which is located in Pueblo. "You have everything you could possibly want," says Eric Garcetti of Los Suenos, who was particularly interested in checking out RO systems for water filtration at the expo.

On the product side, the expo hosted some ultra-soft launches. Max Brown works with flavors and smell profiles; his company, Extract Consultant, offered a glimpse of its newest innovation: flower flavors. Essentially, these are sprays that smell and taste like a specific flavor. Meant to flavor your flower, the clear sprays could be used for vape pens, tinctures and edibles.

Representatives from Nature’s Herbs and Wellness Center were at the expo with a wheel of prizes to celebrate the seven-year anniversary of their medical cannabis shop. As a bonus, the January 29 programming included free seminars.

Cannabis research and outreach groups were also represented at the expo, with booths for the IMPACT Network and Grow for Vets.

Michele Ross has her Ph.D. in neuroscience; she’s the founder and CEO of the IMPACT Network. "We appreciate the donated booth space," she says. "It gives us the opportunity to introduce the community to what we’re doing with clinical research data."

Ross will be at the State Capitol on Monday, January 30, to testify on behalf of SB017-17, which would add PTSD and other mental illnesses to the list of qualifying conditions for medical marijuana use in Colorado.

Steps from the IMPACT booth was the Grow for Vets booth, where representatives were explaining their services, including free cannabis medicine for vets in states where MMJ is legal. The group will also be at the Capitol on January 30.

The Indo Expo will be in Portland, Oregon, in August.

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: Indo Expo Hosts Fifth Marijuana Trade Show In Denver
Author: Chloe Sommers
Contact: Westword
Photo Credit: Chloe Sommers
Website: Westword