CT: Lopes, Byron Weigh In On Expanding Medical Marijuana


As Connecticut considers expanding its medical marijuana program this year, local officials and medical professionals are weighing in on the benefits and risks of making the drug more widely available.

The programs Board of Physicians appealed to the state Department of Consumer Protection this month, recommending four of seven proposed conditions be added to the list of 22 that currently qualify adults for treatment, which includes multiple sclerosis, cancer, post-traumatic stress disorder and other terminal illnesses requiring end-of-life care.

Local legislators are largely in favor of continuing to develop the program, which was first instituted in 2014.
State Rep. Rick Lopes, D-Newington, praised the states tactful approach to the issue.

"I am in support of expanding slowly and conservatively the number of illnesses that qualify for medical marijuana," Lopes said. "I think the state has taken a very slow and conservative approach and the result has been very successful, with limited problems and true medical relief for people who need it."

Senator Terry Gerratana, D-New Britain, is co-chair of the public health committee and helped formulate last years legislation opening registration to minors with several debilitating illnesses.

"Ive looked at how carefully the program is regulated and they do follow a pharmacology model," Gerratana pointed out. "I believe its a very successful program with the model thats been set up and I am supportive of their decision to expand."

State Rep. Gary Byron, R-Newington, said hes heard directly from families of patients how much the drug has eased their pain.

"The only thing Ive heard is that its doing wonderful things for those who are suffering," Byron said. "Im very much in favor of it."

The four additions: fibromyalgia with neuropathic pain and spasm, rheumatoid arthritis, post herpetic neuralgia caused by shingles and muscular dystrophy, wont affect eligibility unless they are officially approved. Three of the seven proposed additions eczema, emphysema and osteoarthritis were not approved by the panel. DOCP Commissioner Jonathan Harris and his staff are now reviewing the proposal, to be sent to the legislatures Regulations Review Committee. It could be over a year before new patients with one of these four conditions can register.

State Rep. Peter Tercyak of the citys 26th district is backing another proposal to make medical marijuana available to patients registered in other states who are visiting Connecticut. The bill he introduced is currently being reviewed by the legislative commissioners office.

"We just want to say welcome to visitors," Tercyak said. "We dont want you to risk arrest when you are on an airplane or driving through a state that isnt enlightened enough to have a program. Dont worry when you come to Connecticut. Well allow you to buy your medicine."

Tercyak said this move would not only increase the states tourism industry but it would also put Connecticut ahead of other states considering enacting similar laws. He is in favor of legalizing recreational marijuana as well.

"We could have recreational marijuana being sold and taxed well before Massachusetts does," he explained. "Theres a benefit for being first in the region. We have a budget crisis. Why are we not taxing marijuana?"
The Hospital of Central Connecticut supports the work of Dr. Andrew Salner, on the board of physicians that recently weighed in on the expansion. As Director of Hartford Healthcares Cancer Institute, Salner has certified hundreds of cancer patients for the treatment in the last two years.

"I was an early advocate for the program before it was approved," Salner said. "Ive treated carefully-selected cancer patients suffering from nausea, loss of appetite and pain syndromes who dont respond to conventional medications or who have excessive side effects. The medical cannabis therapy has been very helpful, with an 80 to 90 percent success rate."

Salner is one of nearly 600 CT physicians licensed to prescribe the treatment to 15,000-plus registered patients, served by six dispensaries across the state. Three more locations are expected to open later this year. Hartford County has the highest number of patients, with 3,771 registered.

The Healing Corner, Inc. in Bristol, is one of only a few dispensaries in the region. Owner Geri Ann Bradley has been a pharmacist for 28 years. Her products are very different from marijuana sold illegally on the streets, shes told the Press.

Although a smoke-able variety is available, most patients use a vaporizer or take oral capsules or a tincture in droplet form under their tongues.

"One of the truly unique and wonderful features of Connecticuts program is that the product given to patients really is a medication," Dr. Salner said. "Its grown in very careful conditions and each batch is tested by an independent laboratory to measure the level of the cannabinoids and ensure its free of chemicals and pesticides."

After choosing the therapy, qualified patients register for a $100 fee. They discuss their symptoms and doctors referral with a dispensary pharmacist, who then recommends a specific dosage.

"Its a program that I think has really proved beneficial for lots of patients," Salner said. "As we learn more I think it will continue to grow."

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: Lopes, Byron Weigh In On Expanding Medical Marijuana
Author: Erica Schmitt
Contact: 860-225-4601
Photo Credit: None Found
Website: Newington Town Crier