Some Red States Supported Marijuana More Than Donald Trump


Americas red states may be responsible for Donald Trumps presidential election, but some of those states think just as highly about legalizing marijuana as they do Trump, if not even more.

Five states with marijuana-related initiatives on their November 2016 ballot showed similar support for both cannabis legalization as well as a Trump presidency, reports Marijuana Business Daily.

Marijuana-related measures in Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Montana and North Dakota received almost as many or more votes than Trump earned in each respective area, with the exception of Arkansas, who favored Trump by nearly 100,000 more votes than their medical cannabis ballot initiative.

The battleground state of Florida may have gone to Trump, but 71 percent of voters were in favor of legalizing pot, compared to just 49 percent of Trump supporters.

Montana casted roughly four percent more votes for legal weed than President Trump, while North Dakota showed a fairly even split.

Despite an unclear position on the matter of legalizing weed, many industry insiders consider a Trump presidency to be a concern for further marijuana legislation, and especially Trumps choice for Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, who once proclaimed that good people dont smoke marijuana.

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: Some Red States Supported Marijuana More Than Donald Trump
Author: Oscar Pascual
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