Germany Passes The Joint With Legalization Of Medical Marijuana


Germany is a progressive nation in many ways, but some could say the country was behind the times when it came to marijuana legalization. Though after a long fought battle, the German parliament passed the first step to legalized cannabis when they unanimously voted on Thursday to legalize the drug for medicinal uses.

The vote came after years of political debate, and while it wont be a free-for-all pot fest, Germanys drug commissioner Marlene Mortler championed the vote as a great addition for patients who have waited for this a long time.

Medical marijuana is seen as the first step towards a full legalization, but until that happens, Germans who want to light up will have to discover acceptable illness or take the usual approach of buying it from the growing supply of dealers.

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: Germany Passes The Joint With Legalization Of Medical Marijuana
Author: Stephen Fuchs
Photo Credit: None Found
Website: German Pulse