TX: Cannabis Advocates Demand Reform In 2017


Austin – Multiple bills pushing for legal marijuana are sitting before our state legislature in Austin.

And marijuana reform activists are rallying their supporter to help change the law.

Two groups from Waco are asking for supporters of marijuana reform to pressure their legislators to vote "Yes" for legal marijuana. But, like any successful movement, it has to be organized.

So, advocates are trying to train people how to work together and bring change to Texas.

"This type of education is needed so that when people do meet their representatives, they have answers to the questions their representatives usually have," Clif Deuval, founder of NORML of Waco, said.

Legal marijuana has been a hot topic in Texas for years. In 2015, the Texas legislature passed Senate Bill 339, allowing doctors in the state to prescribe marijuana-based products with low amounts of THC to patients.

But before the 85th Texas Legislature even sat down on Tuesday, advocates were demanding lawmakers take it a step further and legalize marijuana, or at the very least, medical marijuana.

"People are suffering all over the country, all over the world, without cannabis," Karen Reeves, founder of CenTex Community Outreach, said.

In November, two joint resolutions were filed in the state senate that would leave the decision up to voters at home. They’d be able to choose whether or not to allow recreational and medical cannabis in the Lone Star State.

Reeves and Deuval drove to the state capitol Saturday to attend an advocacy training session sponsored by two statewide pro-marijuana groups.

They hope the training will help unite people for change.

"We’re educating the activists to where they can go in and give their representatives the information they desire," Deuval said.

Reeves added: "How to write your own testimony, how to talk to legislators, how to feel confident and tell your story."

But, despite rapidly growing support, 50 percent of Texans say they would still oppose legalizing marijuana according to a 2015 Lyceum poll.

We spoke with State Representative Hugh Shine in November, before he was sworn in. Back then, he said he feared legalizing the drug could open a Pandora’s box.

"I look around at other states, and yes, they’ve passed legislation for medical marijuana but it’s just opened the door for recreational use," Shine said.

Deuval said that recreational use in Texas, if passed, would be regulated and compared it with alcohol. But he hopes after meeting with fellow Texans today in Austin, he and Karen can encourage the legislature to pass a bill before the session ends on May 29th.

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: Cannabis Advocates Demand Reform In 2017
Author: Kurtis Quillin
Contact: (254) 859-5481
Photo Credit: Drew Angerer
Website: KCEN