MA: More Time Needed In Agawam To Plan For Marijuana Shops


Agawam, Mass. The Agawam City Council will discuss amending the town code to put a temporary moratorium on recreational marijuana establishments.

Agawam Mayor Richard Cohen co-sponsored the amendment, which would grant a moratorium through the end of 2018, and give the town more time to undertake a planning process.

Some residents said theyre worried that delaying the process will drive businesses to other towns. Jason Stevens of Agawam told 22News, Less business coming to Agawam, so by the time you open a shop here, you wont have those clients and everything, because theyll already be elsewhere.

Holyoke Mayor Alex Morse this week said hed like to see his city capitalize on the recreational marijuana industry, and create new jobs by growing recreational pot in some of the citys empty paper mills.

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: More Time Needed In Agawam To Plan For Marijuana Shops
Author: Hayley Crombleholme
Contact: 413-377-1160
Photo Credit: WWLP
Website: WWLP