Struggle Is Not Going To End Until Last Cannabis Prisoner Walks Out Of Their Cell


Name: Steve DeAngelo
Occupation: Cofounder and executive director of Harborside
Age: 58
Residence: Oakland

San Francisco: This must be quite a time to be a weed activist.
Steve DeAngelo: Yes. It hasnt been easy. Legacy cannabis peopleweve been raided, weve been arrested, weve been put on trial, weve been locked up in prison, weve had our homes seized, and our bank accounts seized, and our children seized, and weve been sentenced to ridiculously long terms in prison, and sometimes lost our lives. But we embraced this plan anyhow, because we knew it was a good plan. We knew this change was important.

What was election night like?
It was really strange. Ive been working to legalize cannabis my entire life, since I was 14 years old. So I was just euphoric and elated, feeling very, very happy. Even the election of Donald Trump didnt do a whole lot to dampen my joy. But all around me I saw people who were really, profoundly upset and scared. It was a very surreal night.

How could a Trump administration affect the progress that was just made?
Theres some concern about [attorney general nominee] Jefferson Beauregard Sessions, because he has advocated strict enforcement of drug laws in the past. But hes also a strict constitutionalist, so we hope that hes going to stick by his principles and not interfere with any states that have chosen to have a different position.

Did the election suggest that attitudes about pot may be changing?
We won eight out of nine cannabis reform initiatives nationwide. The only way that happened was through the votes of millions of Trump voters, so what we see at the national level is that there was really only one bipartisan consensus amongst voters this election cycle, and that was cannabis reform. Both red states and blue states, Clinton voters and Trump voters, embraced cannabis reform.

So does that mean that your work is done?
The passage of Prop. 64 is just one more battle in a long, ongoing war. Our struggle is not going to end until the last cannabis prisoner walks out of their cell, no matter where they are, anywhere on this planet. Until that happens, we are not going to stop, and we are not going to rest. The next step is going to be making sure that we get similar initiatives or laws passed in all 50 states, and that we get the federal government to start listening to the voters and legalize at the federal level.

Are there any problems with Prop. 64 youd like to see amended?
The largest license that can be issued for outdoor growing under Prop. 64 is one acre. I think this is a problem for California, because in other states, like Colorado, they are allowing much, much larger cultivation. Californias going to need to compete for the national market for cannabis, and I dont think that well be able to compete effectively for that market if all of the large growers of cannabis are located in other states. At the same time, I think that its really important that we make sure theres a place in the new cannabis economy for small cannabis growers, for a lot of the folks who have carried this plant through the long and dark and difficult years of prohibition.

Are you worried that big, Fortune 500type corporations will eventually take over the industry?
Sure. Look, Ive known since the day I started working on legalizing cannabis that if we were successful, corporations would be involved. But I dont think that thats a bad thing. I think thats a good thing. Nothing is mainstream in the United States of America until its in the mainstream of commerce. Theres not enough hippies in Northern California to get this plant into the medicine cabinet of every American family, much less the medicine cabinet of every family around the world.

Can you do all that and still keep weed a part of the counterculture?
I dont want to wall it off in a counterculture ghetto. I dont want it to remain in the subculture forever: I want this plant to go from subculture to culture. It is not a defeat for us to have corporations take this plant and spread it around the world. It is our ultimate victory. This is like the Trojan horse that the counterculture built and rolled right into the heart of corporate America!

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: Our Struggle Is Not Going To End Until The Last Cannabis Prisoner Walks Out Of Their Cell
Author: Andrea Powell
Contact: San Francisco Magazine
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Website: San Francisco Magazine