Massachusetts Bureaucrats Continue Baseless Grudge War Against Cannabis Doc


Under normal American circumstances, when someone wins a full and complete appeal on a case, the gets his rights restored. At least, thats how it is supposed to work.

And if youre a physician like Dr. John Nadolny, formerly the medical director of Canna Care Docs, its expected that your innocence will result in you getting your license reinstated. But that isnt how things have gone down.

Last September, the state Division of Administrative Law Appeals ruled in favor of Nadolny,recommending that the [Massachusetts] Board of Registration in Medicine (BORIM) not temporarily suspend Dr. Nadolny.

At issueNadolny had permitted certified nurses under his supervision to write cannabis recommendations. Which was perfectly legal. As the same ruling noted, When [Nadolny] allowed nurse practitioners to use his online ID, he was following [Department of Public Healths] advice, and did not delegate to nurse practitioners his authority to issue marijuana certifications; they had independent authority to issue certifications.

Nevertheless, it is now 2017, and Nadolny still has not had his medical license reinstated. Which begs a serious question: Why?

In short, the problem appears to be dirty politics. With a touch of reefer madness, as these things tend to go.

Nadolny had a tough 2016. I dont just say that because he is my personal physician or because Canna Care has sponsored my show on WEMF Radio, The Young Jurks. I say that because whats transpired is unfathomable. Even as far as Commonwealth precedents go.

The doctors nightmare started last March, when a motorist named David Njuguna killed a Mass State Trooper in a horrific car accident on I-90. With help from members of an idiot media who simply parroted the off-base allegations, authorities managed to link the driver to not only marijuana, but specifically to Canna Care, where Njuguna had obtained a recommendation for medical marijuana. Without due process, Nadolny had his medical license suspended.

Enter Republican Gov. Charlie Baker, who was actively campaigning against legalization when Njuguna killed the trooper. The governor made statements to the Boston Globe and other outlets linking pot to the troopers death and was apparently working with BORIM and health officials to blame marijuana. As of this point, [Nalondy’s] not get to be able to prescribe to anybody," Baker told NECN at the time. In another interview, the governor told Fox 25, I dont know when DPH was aware of [Nadolnys] role I do know that DPH and the Board of Registration in Medicine trade a lot of data and information so that they can support the work that the [BORIM] does.

About that work theyre doing: In this case, theyve tarred the reputation and career of a family man who followed the law. Before this, Nadolny was an ER doc for 25-plus years with no such problems, but this ordeal has derailed his personal and professional lives. It hasnt mattered that he didnt personally write a recommendation for Njuguna or that the Canna Care nurse practitioner who did write it was acting legally.

Asked why the state has yet to restore Nadolnys license, BORIM Executive Director George Zachos refused to comment on the matter. Instead he stated, This matter is still open and it is the Boards practice not to comment on open matters. Zachos also declined to respond to questions about the operating practices and political appointment process for potential BORIM board members.

Fortunately, there is at least one whistleblower. Dr. Bharani Padmanabhan, MD, a BORIM member himself, offered some answers in a column for the Valley Patriot. The Mass [BORIM is] a politically appointed board where board members need to be reappointed every three years, Padmanabhan wrote. [BORIM Board Chair] Dr. [Candace] Sloane was last appointed by Democrat Gov. Deval Patrick, so now she needs Charlie Baker [a Republican] to reappoint her. How does she get his attention and help him? He needed help in his losing campaign against the marijuana initiative.

Indeed, Office of Campaign and Political Finance records show that in 2014, Sloanes husband Barry contributed $500 apiece to Patrick and his Lt. Gov. Tim Murray. In that same cycle, Candace Sloane also made a $5,000 contribution to the Democratic State Committee. More recently, they have both maxed out to Baker, pitching into his campaign account plus those of the Republican State Committee and Lt. Gov. Karyn Polito, another anti-cannabis crusader who, in her case, has additionally feasted on gifts from the liquor lobby.

Padmanabhan agrees with the appeal rulingthat Nadolny should have never had his license suspended and that the ruling should serve to expose BORIM. The supporting doc even argues that there is a Supreme Court precedent which may allow Nadolny to sue the entire board.

At the same time, the persecuted doctors wife, Cheryl Benedetti Nadolny, is rallying the public and supporters behind her husband.

They [BORIM] lost the case, she said. They lost, and theyre acting like they won. John is very humble and modest and he wont tell you when we arent doing great, but the sad fact is that we dont know how we are going to pay for our daughters school now. We are about to lose our health insurance, which isnt great, because John has not been well lately.

CannaCare Docs has been supporting the Nadolny’s financially but Cheryl worries how long that can continue without hurting the company. It would seem that is the point for BORIM to bankrupt both the doctor and Canna Care Docs.

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: Massachusetts Bureaucrats Continue Baseless Grudge War Against Cannabis Doc
Author: Mike Crawford
Contact: Alternet
Photo Credit: Wikimedia
Website: Alternet