Guam: Medical Marijuana Business Applications Available Next Week


Businesses interested in medical marijuana can begin applying for licenses next Wednesday in Mangilao, according to the Department of Public Health and Social Services.

Public Law 33-220, which became law Dec. 17, 2016, implements the rules and regulations for the medical marijuana program first approved by voters in the November 2014 General Election.

The law states Public Health shall accept applications for proposed medical cannabis business licenses within 30 days of the bill becoming law.

The law states licenses can be issued for several types of cannabis businesses: commercial cultivation; commercial manufacturing facility; dispensary; and medical cannabis testing laboratory.

According to Public Health, applications to obtain a Medical Cannabis License will be available at Central Public Health in Mangilao starting Jan. 18, at the Chief Public Health Office Room 225. The application, as well as other related documents, will be available for viewing on the Department of Public Health and Social Services website at Department of Public Health and Social Services | Dipattamenton Salut Pupbleko Yan Setbison Susiat, according to the Department. As of Thursday afternoon, the application documents were not posted.

The Department also is responsible for eventually issuing registry identification cards to qualifying patients with the the following debilitating medical conditions:

  • cancer;
  • glaucoma;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • spinal cord damage, with objective neurological indication of intractable spasticity;
  • epilepsy;
  • positive for HIV or AIDS;
  • under hospice care, in accordance with specific rules;
  • post-traumatic stress disorder;
  • rheumatoid arthritis or similar inflammatory disorders;
  • or any other disease for which the patient’s practitioner has determined that the use of cannabis may provide relief.

Gov. Eddie Calvo this month introduced a new marijuana bill, which would legalize recreational marijuana use for those at least 21 years of age, subject to a 15 percent tax to benefit Guam Memorial Hospital.

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: Medical Marijuana Business Applications Available Next Week
Author: Steve Limtiaco
Contact: Pacific Daily News
Photo Credit: AP
Website: Pacific Daily News