Safe Marijuana Consumption Campaign Launched In Colorado


Denver – It’s 4:20 somewhere. Start low. Go slow. Please consume responsibly.

If you’re gonna dab, take a cab.

Lock it up. Keep it from your curious kids. Please consume your cannabis responsibly.

The above slogans will be just a few of the ads people will start seeing across Colorado in the near future.

A public service campaign pushing for safe and responsible cannabis consumption has been launched. The ads will appear in general media alongside media specifically geared toward marijuana.

The campaign focuses on three primary messages encouraging safe dosing, avoiding driving after consumption and keeping marijuana products locked away from children.

The Marijuana Industry Group is behind the ads. The group was founded in 2010 by marijuana business owners and supporters to the cannabis network in the Centennial State. The group has also provided feedback to the Colorado Department of Transportation’s "Drive High Get a DUI" campaigns and Colorado Department of Health and Environment’s "Good to Know" campaigns.

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: Safe Marijuana Consumption Campaign Launched In Colorado
Author: Staff
Contact: (719) 578-0000
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Website: KKTV 11 News