5 Marijuana Usage Laws You Need To Know In California


Laguna Beach, CA It’s been legalized. Marijuana legalization laws were immediately activated after the passage of Proposition 64. But what does this mean?

According to the Laguna Beach Police Department, citizens are still confused as to what is and what is not legal when it comes to the recreational usage of marijuana in California.

"California voters have legalized the possession, transportation and usage of up to one ounce of marijuana for recreational purposes," Laguna Beach Police Department Sgt. Tim Kleiser said in a recent release.

That makes California the largest state in country to legalize recreational use of marijuana by adults 21-years-old and older.

"While marijuana remains illegal under Federal law, California penalties for possession of less than one ounce of marijuana, for non-medicinal reasons, will no longer be enforced," Kleiser said.

With that in mind, and to educate Laguna Beach citizens about this newly passed law, the Police Department stressed the following points about Proposition 64.

What Proposition 64 provides:

  • Possession of marijuana is allowed, if you’re old enough. Allows anyone over the age of 21 to purchase, possess, transport, or use up to one ounce of marijuana for recreational purposes. No medical recommendation is needed.
  • You can grow it, if you can lock it down. Green thumbs, out there, you can grow up to six marijuana plants for personal use. The cultivation must be in an environment which is “locked and not visible from a public place.”
  • Smoke if you’ve got ’em. Smoking of marijuana is prohibited in public places. This is broadly defined as any business or property which is open to the public. NOTE: Smoking and vaping marijuana is illegal while driving a vehicle. Also, it cannot be used or consumed anywhere where tobacco is already prohibited (e.g., restaurants, parks, beaches, theaters, schools).
  • Buy from licensed dispensaries. Recreational marijuana cannot be sold at places where tobacco or alcohol are sold. It can only be purchased through licensed dispensaries or establishments.
  • It’s the law. Now. The law is already in effect, as of Nov. 6, 2016.

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: 5 Marijuana Usage Laws You Need To Know In California
Author: Ashley Ludwig
Contact: Laguna Beach Patch
Photo Credit: Shutterstock
Website: Laguna Beach Patch