CA: Hollister Approves Law Allowing Marijuana Dispensaries


Hollister council members Monday approved a medical marijuana ordinance that will lift the city’s ban on dispensaries.

The ordinance lifts the citys current ban on medical marijuana facilities within city limits that went into effect six years ago.

After months of deliberations, the new ordinance came back before council members Monday, after changes were made at the Dec. 5 meeting. Updates to the existing law include the number of dispensaries allowed, zoning regulations and the working age of those who can work at medical marijuana facilities.

At the Dec. 5 meeting, council members decided to cap the dispensary number at two facilities, remove the 600-foot setback from conforming residential use and religious institutions, make dispensaries able to operate in light industrial zoned areas, remove mixed use zoning and change the working age from 21 to 18.

State law still requires that all medical marijuana facilities have at least a 600-foot setback from schools.

The resolutions adoption comes after the passage of Proposition 64 in November, which legalized recreational marijuana in California. San Benito County voters cast their ballots in support of Prop 64 with a 55.46 percent majority.

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: Hollister Approves Law Allowing Marijuana Dispensaries
Author: Nicholas Preciado
Contact: (831) 637-5566
Photo Credit: Nick Lovejoy
Website: Free Lance