NV: Countdown To Legal Pot – Who Will Regulate Recreational Marijuana?


The Elko Daily Free Press is counting down the days until marijuana is legal in Nevada by answering questions concerning the law and the drug.

Q: Who will be regulating marijuana sales, and how?

Question 2 mandated that the Department of Taxation would be responsible for establishing licensing qualifications and procedures and regulating retailers, distributors and growers.

Stephanie Cladstein of the Nevada Department of Taxation told the Free Press that the model is already there and it is just a matter of getting the regulations adopted and setting standards. The department has been looking at program models in states that have already legalized the substance for non-medical use. They are currently working on writing temporary regulations.

A task force has been set up by the governor to deal with the new law.

Cladstein said the agency would be holding public workshops during the first quarter of 2017. The forums will be held in Carson City and Las Vegas and a phone number will be provided for others in the state to call in with questions and suggestions. This will help the state set up a temporary model for regulating the substance. The provision gives the Department of Taxation one full year to have the regulations in place and accept applications.

According to a document titled Retail Marijuana on the departments website, the agency is limited in issuing the number of licenses according to population. The limits are:

Up to 80 stores in counties with a population of more than 700,000.

Up to 20 stores in counties with a population between 100,000 and 700,000.

Up to 4 stores in counties with a population between 55,000 and 100,000.

Up to 2 stores in counties with a population of fewer than 55,000.

Marijuana growing facilities will be expected to pay a 15 percent tax on wholesale sales of marijuana. Tax for retail purchases will be according to state and local sales tax rates. Retailers will collect the necessary taxes and pay them to the state.

Cladstein admits that the whole process is daunting but she said the organization expects to be given additional staff to help with the weighty load.

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: Countdown To Legal Pot – Who Will Regulate Recreational Marijuana?
Author: Cynthia Dalaney
Contact: 775-738-3118
Photo Credit: None Found
Website: Elko Daily Free Press