MA: Marijuana In The Tri-Towns


Lawmakers have gone back and forth on whether to delay implementation of recreational marijuana in the state. They decided this week not to delay it.

However, lawmakers who are ambivalent are not alone. Administrators and elected officials in Boxford, Middleton and Topsfield now find themselves having to implement a law that the voters in all three towns rejected on Election Day and for which the details are still being worked out.

Here is how Tri-Town residents voted on Question 4:

  • Boxford: 2,479 in favor; 2,681 against
  • Middleton: 2,359 in favor; 2,728 against
  • Topsfield: 1,725 in favor; 2,301 against
  • Total: 6,563 in favor; 7,710 against

Over all, a significant number voted against legalization.

Over the next month, we will look at what the legalization of marijuana means for the Tri-Towns. We’ll talk to elected officials, police chiefs, administrators and school officials to find out if, when, how and where marijuana retail shops might be set up, what the legalization means for law enforcement and town budgets, and how legalization could effect students and the school system.

While the basics of the law went into effect today, towns do have some flexibility to tailor it, especially with regards to retail shops. However, as of today, it is now legal for Tri-Town residents to possess marijuana and to use it in their own homes, and the initial effects of that will likely be felt by police officers first.

Of primary concern is the fact that there are no adequate means for determining if a person is driving under the influence of marijuana. There is no breathalyzer test for it like there is with alcohol.

As local officials and state lawmakers work their way through the issues over the next year, it’s imperative that Tri-Town residents who want to consume marijuana do so responsibly. Irresponsible use, such as smoking it in public, will only make implementation more difficult than it already is and will show disregard for the very real concerns that many parents in the Tri-Towns have.

It’s also imperative that people on both sides of the issue come together to work out implementation plans that are suitable to each community. Whether you were for or against legalization, it is here. Get involved in your town and make sure the implementation of the legalization of marijuana is something everyone can live with.

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: Marijuana In The Tri-Towns
Author: Staff
Contact: 978-739-1393
Photo Credit: None Found
Website: Wicked Local Boxford