Guam: Marijuana Home Cultivation, Senators' Raises Vetoed


Gov. Eddie Calvo on Friday vetoed legislation that would have allowed qualified medical marijuana patients to grow their own medicinal plants at home, saying the bill places a huge burden on public health and safety.

He also vetoed a bill by senators that would cut legislative salaries from $85,000 to $55,000, saying he objects to lawmakers tinkering with the widespread changes to the Competitive Wage Study, including the salaries determined for senators.

"If we tinker with one piece for any reason other than to respond to unanticipated market forces, we will be opening a Pandora’s Box," Calvo stated in his veto message for Bill 201-33.

Senators early this month voted 13-2 for the pay cut, which means there’s enough support to override any potential veto by the governor. An override requires at least 10 votes. Sens. Tom Ada, D-Tamuning, and James Espaldon, R-Tamuning, voted against the pay reduction.

Bill 344-33 adds rules and regulations for home cultivation under the Joaquin (KC) Concepcion II Compassionate Cannabis Use Act of 2013. Permitting, reporting and enforcement are proposed in the measure, which was passed by the Legislature in an 8-7 vote.

In his veto message for Bill 344, Calvo wrote that enforcing the home cultivation requires meticulous regulation. Which in turn creates a very expensive unfunded mandate, Calvo wrote.

Unless the means of how regulation of home cultivation is to be funded or (staff) is identified, the anticipated enforcement of Bill 344 will impose new and different duties upon our health and law enforcement agencies that will deplete their already strained resources, the governor stated.

Bill 344s author, Sen. Tina Muna Barnes said in a statement that Calvos veto was very disappointing.

Barnes said her bill was not intended to allow the government to conduct regular inspections of a patients home, as the governor said in his veto message.

It was to give patients immediate access to alleviate the symptoms of their illnesses, Barnes said. The government should not stand in the way of (a) person trying to find ways to ease their suffering.

In the rules proposed in Bill 344, home cultivators whose plants are seized for noncompliance could resolve their grievance through an administrative hearing.

The creation of an additional administrative dispute/permit revocation process could very well require the promulgation of new administrative rules and regulations specific to home cultivation, the governor wrote in his veto message.

The governor concluded in his message that he understands and supports the intent of home cultivation but without a clear funding source the bill places a huge burden on health and safety.

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: Marijuana Home Cultivation, Senators’ Raises Vetoed
Author: Jasmine Stole
Contact: (671) 472-1PDN
Photo Credit: Nick Oza
Website: Pacific Daily News