MA: Second Medical Marijuana Facility Proposed In Easton


Representatives from MD Holistics, Inc. want to open a cultivating and dispensary for medical marijuana in the Easton Industrial Park and are looking for the Board of Selectmen to give them a letter of non-opposition for it.

While a previous applicant, Commonwealth Alternative Care, proposed just a cultivation center, they could not definitively say whether they would entertain supplying recreational marijuana if the ballot question passed legalizing it, according to Town Administrator David Colton.

Colton said he recently reached out to Commonwealth Alternative Care to see where they stood in the process.

"Their response was, ‘We’ll let you know if we want to move forward,’" Colton said. "I think they are in the same position to see what happens with the referendum."

MD Holistics representatives said they were solely interested in the medical side.

"It keeps us safer if it’s just medical," chief executive officer Joseph Mullen said. "We feel this is the way to go to keep us safe and keep our business safe."

They would give the town 3 percent of gross revenue each month based on an anticipated $100,000 in revenue per month, according to Director of Cultivation Michael Drayer.

The ballot passage and its implications have selectmen concerned.

"I think the law says if we allow medical we have to allow recreational," Selectman Carol Nestler said. "It’s important to note that while the law passed in Massachusetts it did not pass in Easton."

Selectman Dottie Fulginiti said until the new law moves forward in the process of implementation, she was not inclined to support anything relating to marijuana facilities in the town.

"I’m very concerned because I thought we knew all the rules and then all the rules got changed with this recent vote and nobody knows what it means," Fulginiti said. "I personally want to see a referendum in Easton to see if people want to legalize marijuana in the town."

Drayer said the company’s small footprint business model makes them a better choice than a larger company.

"I enjoy it being very small and not turning it into a big Wal-Mart type business," Drayer said. "For us there’s the right amount of revenue that feels comfortable. The thing I hang my hat on is we’ve never had any issues."

"It fits a lot of needs for a lot towns," Mullen said. "We think our approach to the industry is a lot better than 90 percent of businesses out there."

Drayer said they expect and anticipate a number of state audits each month to monitor the company and its business dealings.

"There are a lot governing bodies to make sure we do this the right way," Drayer said. "It’s something we want to engage everybody in town with."

While they previously had an agreement with the town of Canton, Drayer said another company offered a bigger proposal so his company was looking to move elsewhere.

The board declined to give the letter the company was seeking with Chairman Kevin McIntyre suggesting the two sides find dates where the public could give their input on the proposal.

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: Second Medical Marijuana Facility Proposed In Easton
Author: Paula Vogler
Contact: 508-967-3510
Photo Credit: None Found
Website: Wicked Local Mansfield