CA: International Cannabis Business Conference Returns To San Francisco


Business opportunities in California are growing exponentially since voters decided in favor of legalizing cannabis, making the upcoming International Cannabis Business Conference an important event for anyone looking to make money with marijuana.

Following the success of the last ICBC held in Vancouver earlier this fall, the San Francisco event promises to continue to provide the latest information on local regulations while also providing details on other legal industries throughout the U.S. and the rest of the world.

This years ICBC will be held at the Hilton Union Square Hotel in San Francisco February 16-17, and while more details await to be announced, past keynote speakers includes notable cannabis activist and comedian Tommy Chong, travel writer Rick Steves, and lawmakers Earl Blumenauer and Dana Rohrabacher.

The ICBC San Francisco event will also be the first before the conference goes international with an event slated for April in Berlin, Germany. The country has blazed trails as one of the few European countries to embrace a legal medical cannabis system, and Berlins local government is currently seeking federal approval to distribute licenses for recreational cannabis coffee shops.

While more event information is set to be announced in the near future, tickets with a special early bird discount are available now.

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: International Cannabis Business Conference Returns To San Francisco For First Time Since Legalization
Author: Oscar Pascual
Contact: SFGate
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Website: SFGate