NV: Countdown To Legal Pot – Can I Carry A Firearm And Marijuana Together?


The Elko Daily Free Press is counting down the days until marijuana is legal in Nevada by answering questions concerning the law.

Q: Will Nevada residents be able to carry a firearm and marijuana on their person at the same time?

Nevada residents will be able to have a legal firearm and their legal marijuana on their person at the same time.

Though there is some ambiguity regarding what gun owners who use marijuana will be allowed to do come Jan. 1, Elko County Sheriff Jim Pitts said recreational marijuana will likely be treated the same way alcohol is in regard to carrying firearms.

It would be the same as having a six pack of beer. As long as theyre not open and youre not drinking them there are no issues there, he said. Once marijuana becomes legal there will be nothing that says you cant have firearms and marijuana together.

Sen. Pete Goicoechea did not support recreational marijuana use and expressed some concern the regulations did not give clear instructions to law enforcement on how to handle a situation where someone is legally carrying a firearm and in possession of a legal amount of recreational marijuana.

Despite his issues with the law, Goicoecha said he would not be in favor of any additional regulation that would infringe upon someones Second Amendment rights.

Any effort to say that having marijuana on your person would prohibit you from openly carrying a firearm – thats not something you want to get into, he said.

Even though the regulations regarding recreational marijuana and gun ownership may be adjusted in some form going forward, Pitts urges gun owners who choose to partake in marijuana to be sensible about their consumption.

It comes back to common sense that you dont want to be under the influence of anything while shooting guns, he said. Its not a good combination.

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: Countdown To Legal Pot – Can I Carry A Firearm And Marijuana Together?
Author: Hasani Grayson
Contact: 775-738-3118
Photo Credit: None Found
Website: Elko Daily Free Press