Vermont Company Cooks Up Cannabis For Canines


Burlington, Vt. – A Vermont company is cooking up canine treats with cannabis.

Reilly’s HempVet is a supplements startup aimed at helping man’s best friend deal with everything from joint pain to anxiety.

Your pooch does not need a medical marijuana card to get it, though, as the product is made using hemp.

Company founder Bill Reilly says customers report great results, but veterinarians require a bit more convincing.

"My experience is that vets are very supportive of supplements in general and when you get into the cannabis, there’s still a lot of questions about it out there," Reilly said.

Reilly says THC, the psychoactive component of marijuana, is bad for dogs. But hemp has little THC and is high in CBD, a chemical largely credited with marijuana’s medicinal benefits.

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: Vermont Company Cooks Up Cannabis For Canines
Author: Kyle Midura
Contact: 802-652-6300
Photo Credit: WCAX
Website: WCAX