NV: Countdown To Legal Pot – What Is Marijuana Oil And Will It Be Legal?


The Elko Daily Free Press is counting down the days until marijuana is legal in Nevada by answering questions concerning the law.

Q: What is marijuana oil and how much will be legal on Jan. 1?

A: On Jan 1., people over the age of 21 will be able to have an ounce of marijuana or one-eighth ounce of marijuana concentrates such as cannabis oil.

Marijuana oil, or cannabis oil, is a concentrated form of marijuana often used as pain reliever without the high associated with smoking marijuana. It can be ingested orally, topically or inhaled.

The oil is commonly used for medical purposes but can be used recreationally depending on how it is consumed.

When inhaled, it can produce a high similar to smoking marijuana.

Even though research on the drug as a cure for cancer is still incomplete the American Cancer Society is in favor of more research into the affects of cannabis oil and other marijuana-based medications.

The American Cancer Society supports the need for more scientific research on cannabinoids for cancer patients, and recognizes the need for better and more effective therapies that can overcome the often debilitating side effects of cancer and its treatment, the organization said on its website.

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: Countdown To Legal Pot – What Is Marijuana Oil And Will It Be Legal?
Author: Hasani Grayson
Contact: 775-738-3118
Photo Credit: None Found
Website: Elko Daily Free Press