Jamaica: Cannabis Licensing Authority Receives 89 Applications


Kingston, Jamaica – The Cannabis Licensing Authority (CLA) has reported that at the end of October it has received 89 applications for the growing and processing of ganja for medicinal and therapeutic purposes and for research and development activities.

In a news release today, the CLA said of the 89 applications, 25 were for the growing of ganja.

The submissions also include 12 farmers in the under one-acre grouping, while eight applications are for transporting, 18 for processing, 14 for research and development, and 24 for retailing.

The authority disclosed that, based on the progress being made with the applications review process, it expects that conditional approvals may be issued by the end of the year.

The CLAs review of applications has been in keeping with terms and conditions it has devised with respect to each type of licence. Included among these criteria are a site inspection for growing and processing, and ensuring adequate security, in the case of each category.These are outlined in the regulations gazetted by the Authority in May 2016.

The CLA said growers must prove that they have the right to use the land on which they propose to cultivate the crop, or the vehicle with which they plan to transport. Processors must satisfy all requirements under the Food and Drugs Act and the Standards Act, and be registered with the Bureau of Standards, the Ministry of Health, and the Ministry of Labour and Social Security.

It said people who propose to carry out research and development work must satisfy the authorities that they are qualified to provide the requisite analytical services. Retailers would, for the most part, be registered pharmacists, therapists and herb houses. The latter would include people who are licensed to sell up to two ounces of ganja for use on premises, for medicinal or therapeutic purposes.

The CLA is responsible for ensuring an orderly development of Jamaicas ganja industry. It must also ensure that regulations created, and activities within the industry, are in keeping with Jamaicas international obligations. More information can be found on the CLAs website at Cannabis Licensing Authority.

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: Cannabis Licensing Authority Receives 89 Applications
Author: Staff
Contact: 876-926-7655
Photo Credit: None Found
Website: Jamaica Observer