Other States Look To Colorado After Marijuana Legalization


Seven of the eight passed.

"The new law focuses on undoing the most egregious harms of marijuana prohibition, which have disproportionately impacted communities of color", says Lynne Lyman from the Drug Policy Alliance, according to the Los Angeles Times. In Florida, medical marijuana passed with 71%, a huge victory in a state where a similar measure was defeated two years ago with just 58% (60% is needed to pass).

On the recreational marijuana side, one of the biggest surprises was a strong showing in favor of legalization in MA where voters approved the measure by a strong 54-46 showing. Pacific International (PI) Securities analyst Jason Zandberg believes that in 2019, which he estimates to be the first user after recreational use is permitted, the medical marijuana market will be worth $4.6-billion.

Such a massive, undeveloped market is like chum for investors, some of whom have already positioned themselves to take advantage of the new marketplace.

Many people predicted that the referenda would go through – especially California’s all-important Prop 64.

Despite the recent legalization of marijuana in those states, it remains illegal under federal law. But with her upset this week, what will happen to marijuana policy in America?

In contrast, seven states in total along with the District of Columbia legalized recreational marijuana whereas 25 states along with the District have already legalized medical marijuana. "I would be incredibly surprised if they were to try to make this a issue", says MPP’s Tvert.

Todd Mitchem, a Denver-based marijuana industry consultant and lobbyist, said the pot business should expect an infusion of new interest from investors and would-be marijuana growers and retailers.

The Liberals have promised to legalize, regulate and restrict access to marijuana to keep it out of the hands of children while denying criminals the financial profits.

While it’s unclear how Donald Trump’s presidential stunning upset over Hillary Clinton will affect federal cannabis reform, the state results signal a tipping point for state-legal cannabis, and will have worldwide implications. The passage of Initiative 182 essentially re-legalizes medical marijuana in the state. The people have spoken, and city officials would do well to listen, said Karen Goldstein, executive director of the Florida chapter of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws.

People 21-years-old and over can also grow up to six marijuana plants at a private home, according to the voter guide. "[Especially] if they are allowed to have their personal predilections drive policy as opposed to taking their marching orders from President Trump".

While President-Elect Donald Trump hasn’t said what he’ll do about recreational marijuana, he’s made it clear in previous interviews that he’s not a fan of Colorado’s industry. Both states have some of the best hiking trails, ideal for pairing with your first legal marijuana purchase!

Bierman’s company runs dispensaries in West Hollywood and Sun Valley, and they’ve invested in the development of marijuana grow operations in Desert Hot Springs and in Nevada. What gives him "real concern" is Trump.

The biggest silver lining of the four newly legalized states is that now lawmakers – including California’s 53 representatives – have a responsibility to their constituents to push for better marijuana policy.

Gov. Paul LePage, who opposed legalization, did not respond to a request for comment on Thursday.

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: Other States Look To Colorado After Marijuana Legalization
Author: Cesario Mosqueda
Contact: contact@canalcncarauca.com
Photo Credit: Marcio Jose Sanchez
Website: CanlCncArauca