CA: Costa Mesa Voters Favoring Measure X


Costa Mesa Voters looked to be ushering in changes in how city leaders are elected and developments are approved, and were taking a more accepting stance on medical marijuana, according to early election results Tuesday night.

Residents faced 10 ballot measures Tuesday, ranging from one that would prohibit athletic fields at Fairview Park to a possible merger of the Mesa Water and Costa Mesa Sanitary districts.


In the early results, Measure X had collected 53 percent of the vote, leading measures V and W, which proposed allowing up to eight and four dispensaries, respectively. The one with the most votes becomes law.

Measure X, proposed by the city, creates an industrial zone just north of I-405 and west of Harbor Boulevard that will be designated for businesses to set up medical marijuana manufacturing, research, development, testing, wholesale distribution and transporting of products. Over-the-counter dispensaries remain banned.

Prospective businesses would need to obtain business and conditional use permits and pay an annual 6 percent tax, with annual revenue to the city expected to range from $48,000 to $912,000.

I think when we explained to the public what the issue was, they understood it, said Councilman Jim Righeimer, a proponent for the measure.

In 2014, a medical marijuana measure drafted by Councilman Gary Monahan didnt even make it to a council vote days before the county Registrar of Voters required it to be finalized.

The council also killed a draft cannabis ordinance last year, saying there was no way to enforce it and that it was best to wait for the state to develop more regulations.

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: Costa Mesa Voters Favoring Measures X And Y, District Council Elections
Author: Louis Casiano Jr.
Contact: The Orange County Register
Photo Credit: Josh Barber
Website: The Orange County Register