CA: Campbell Marijuana Law – Urgency Ordinance Adopted Before Prop. 64 Vote


With less than a week left before California voters decide if recreational marijuana will be legal to use, Campbell is among cities adopting urgency ordinances regulating non-medical marijuana uses before the Nov. 8 election.

The city council unanimously voted to adopt an urgency ordinance at its Nov. 1 meeting in case Proposition 64 is approved by voters. If the proposition passes, California residents ages 21 and older will be able to smoke or ingest, process and transport non-medicinal marijuana. They would also be allowed to grow up to six plants indoors.

Our city attorney has prepared an ordinance which we feel is a strong one, city manager Mark Linder told the council. It does protect your local control.

Campbells ordinance, effective immediately after it was adopted, restricts personal cultivation to the limits of state law, places specific requirements for people growing marijuana for personal use and prohibits commercial marijuana activities, such as cultivation, delivery, sale and dispensing.

According to the city staff report, the urgency ordinance prohibits outdoor cultivation for personal use, but indoor cultivation of recreational marijuana is allowed.

We cannot prohibit indoor personal use (or) cultivation, William Seligmann, the citys attorney, told the council at the Nov. 1 meeting. The ordinance, however, does provide a number of regulations with respect to indoor cultivation.

According to the ordinance, marijuana cultivation must be in a fully enclosed and secured room of a private residence, may not occur outdoors and is limited to six plants per private residence. Grow lights are prohibited in any structure used for habitation. Grow lights not exceeding 1,000 watts per lights can be in other structures, but must comply with building and fire codes. Filtration and ventilation systems must be installed to prevent marijuana odors from leaving a structure.

Rooms and structures cannot be accessible to people under the age of 21, according to the ordinance.

The city council did note that approving the ordinance did not mean the city was taking a position on Prop. 64.

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: Campbell Marijuana Law – Urgency Ordinance Adopted Before Prop. 64 Vote
Author: Jasmine Leyva
Contact: 408-920-5000
Photo Credit: Rich Pedroncelli
Website: The Mercury News