New Rules Having Effect On Montana Marijuana Registry


Helena – More than 4,000 patients have been removed from Montanas medical marijuana registry since new rules for the system took effect.

The Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services released its October report that shows 7,785 registered medical marijuana patients down from 12,436 in September, and the lowest number since 2013.

A law restricting each medical marijuana provider to serving three patients took effect on Aug. 31. It left about 8,600 people without a provider.

DPHHS had already contacted those on the registry to let them know what steps they could take. After the deadline, they gave patients 30 more days to find another provider or become their own.

About half let us know that they either didnt want to be on the registry anymore or they wanted to become their own provider, said DPHHS public information officer Jon Ebelt. Then about half did not respond.

Anyone who didnt respond had their card revoked. Those people will be able to join the registry again, but they will have to go through the full application process.

Montana voters will decide the future of the three-patient limit in next weeks election. Initiative 182 would loosen several restrictions on the state medical marijuana system and eliminate the limit on number of patients.

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: New Rules Having Effect On Montana Marijuana Registry
Author: Jonathan Ambarian
Contact: 406.542.4400
Photo Credit: MTN News
Website: KPAX