MI: Marijuana Dispensary Site Plan Okayed In Wayne


A site plan for a medical marijuana dispensary – Wayne’s second dispensary – was approved recently by the city council.

The dispensary would be located on a currently vacant lot on Old Van Born Road with a nearby home being moved onto a new foundation to house the business.

"This is a permitted use in the city. We get many requests but according to ordinance, they can’t be within 1,000 feet of a school, day care, church and any residence," Wayne City Clerk/Planner Matthew Miller said. "That pushes it into industrial areas. In Wayne, we have practically a house every 40 feet,"

The ordinance also prohibits medical marijuana dispensaries from being located within 1,000 feet of each other.

"We will probably max out at three (medical marijuana dispensaries) because of the layout of the city," Miller said. "We have one near the UAW (Local 900) hall. There is no limit by state regulations. A variance is not obtainable. We would need to change the ordinance."

This dispensary, being opened by Scott Gocaj of the U.S. 12, Bar, is located in the area where Van Born changes from pavement to a gravel surface. The adjoining 1,274-square-foot home will be moved to the site and renovated as a Americans With Disabilities-compliant building.

The city will still need to approve additional permits for the project, including demolition permit to remove the sewer/water connections, foundation, the new foundation and the new sewer/water connections.

"Once the building is finalized, the police department takes it and does a thorough investigation," Miller said. "Due to the use, there is a need for police monitoring. It complies with city ordinance."

The council also approved a site plan that would clear up a Michigan Avenue eyesore – the burned and boarded-up former Cadillac Apartments. The project would be done in two phases: the first to renovate the 3,650-square-foot north building, including removal of the second floor; the second phase would renovate the 4,000-square-foot south building. The building was constructed as apartments prior to World War II.

"It was a residential use in an industrial zone. It was a grandfathered use that could continue until a vacancy occurs. Then the use had to conform with the ordinance and the zoning," Miller said. "The zoning is industrial and business. It allows a myriad of uses but not residential."

Each building would be developed into four units along with 30 parking spaces. Applicant Ali Shebley said he’d like to start work after the holidays and would look for tenants such as a 7-Eleven store, a pizza chain and a cell phone store.

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: Marijuana Dispensary Site Plan Okayed In Wayne
Author: LeAnne Rogers
Contact: 1-866-887-2737
Photo Credit: None Found
Website: hometown life