CA: Campbell Council Discusses Compromise To Medical Marijuana Petition


The Campbell City Council is still mulling over the possibility of allowing medical marijuana dispensaries, cultivation and delivery within the city.

In an effort to avoid a costly special election, medical marijuana petitioners and the council are trying to reach a compromise that could allow access to medical marijuana in the city.

At an Oct. 18 study session, the council continued a discussion from earlier this month about the possibility of a special election, brought on by petitioners asking for the city to permit dispensaries, cultivation and delivery of medicinal marijuana. The council approved an ordinance banning the practices within city limits at a March 1 meeting. The city does not prohibit the use of medical marijuana.

Keep Campbell Green has been working since that council decision on a ballot initiative that would reverse the ordinance and allow dispensaries, delivery and limited cultivation. The group circulated a petition earlier this year trying to gather enough signatures get the issue on Campbells Nov. 8 ballot. However, the petition was rejected by the city clerk in May due to text errors in the initiative documents, according to an Oct. 4 city staff report.

Keep Campbell Green has since been working on a second initiative to get the issue before voters in May. According to the city, that special election would cost $220,000 for vote-by-mail and $380,000 for an election with polling places.

To try to avoid a costly special election, petitioners have twice met with city representatives to present two options for an updated ordinance. Mayor Jason Baker, city manager Mark Linder, the city attorney and the city clerk met with petitioners over the summer to discuss the groups proposals.

The first proposal would allow for two dispensaries in parts of the city known as planned development zoning areas, and allow up to 250 square feet for personal cultivation. Under this plan, the dispensary and its main entrance would only be allowed on main thoroughfares such as Winchester Boulevard and Hamilton and Bascom avenues.

The second proposal would not allow for any cultivation, and would place the same restrictions on dispensary locations but would allow for three dispensaries in planned development zoning areas.

One of the things Im not willing to compromise on is that this shouldnt be near residences, schools, that sort of thing, but also it shouldnt start until we have our hands around on what the exact impacts will be, Baker said at the Oct. 18 meeting. My sense is were a little far from making a deal.

As a compromise, Vice Mayor Liz Gibbons proposed that the city look at allowing licensed and certified drivers to deliver medical marijuana from licensed San Jose dispensaries to patients within Campbell.

What they claim they want is access, Gibbons said. Access can be provided in Campbell by delivery from licensed dispensaries in San Jose.

Baker said he will take the idea to the petitioners for another sit-down discussion and come back to the council with an update if a compromise could be reached.

Keep Campbell Green has yet to submit the signatures for its second ballot measure attempt. The group is seeking to gather signatures from 15 percent of registered voters in the city. If the group is successful, the city would be required to hold a special election unless the council adopted the updated ordinance.

If the petition were to receive 10 percent of registered residents signatures, then the measure would be placed on a regular election ballot if the council does not adopted the proposed ordinance.

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: Campbell Council Discusses Compromise To Medical Marijuana Petition
Author: Jasmine Leyva
Contact: 408-920-5000
Photo Credit: Alessandro Bianchi
Website: The Mercury News