AU: Girl With Dravet Syndrome From Hundreds To Zero Seizures Per Day


A child from Australia, born with a rare form of epilepsy, have no single seizure for a year after taking cannabis treatment. Because it saved the wealthy grandparents girlss life they invested $33.7 million into medical cannabis research.

Katelyn, now 4 years old, had seizures over a hundreds times a day. This started when she was only 6 months old. Despite taking heavy cocktail of antiepileptic medication, her seizures did not stopped, which caused damage to her brains and mental function.

Barry and Joy Lambert, the grandparents, of this 4-year-old Australian girl with Dravet Syndrome, have donated $ 33.7 million to the University of Sydney to fund research on medical cannabis.

Barry and Joy Lambert say that international surveys show that their granddaughter Katelyn, who had hundreds of attacks per day, can now enjoy life thanks to medicinal cannabis.

The money is not only spent on research into the positive effects of cannabis on juvenile epilepsy, but also a whole range of chronic illnesses that are often difficult to treat.


It is hoped that the research will eventually lead to drugs based on cannabinoids. Recently, authorities in New South Wales, Queensland and Victoria announced clinical trials of finance cannabis.

Researchers will, inter alia, look how cannabidiol (CBD) can be used in the treatment of childhood epilepsy.

The Lambert initiative is unique in Australia in the field of research of medicinal cannabinoids, can be read on the website of the University of Sydney. It is examined whether ingredients of the cannabis plant (cannabinoids) may be used to treat a range of diseases.

Wonder Plant

Katelyn has [with cannabis] already had a year not a single attack, Grandma Joy said. Thats wonderful. Her regular medication does not treat her condition.

I see so much difference since they CBD used, Joy continued. She is happier, more alert and go to school. We no longer have to fear that she will have attacks during the day.

Hopefully the scientists prove that we do not have to worry anymore, Barry said. I think the cannabis plant is going to be the miracle plant of the century.

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: Cannabis Treatment – Girl With Dravet Syndrome From Hundreds To Zero Seizures Per Day
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Website: Lions Ground