CA: Stockton Voters Weigh Two Pot Measures


Stockton – There are only two medicinal marijuana dispensaries inside Stockton city limits but that could change if Measure P passes this November.

Supporter and Stockton attorney Zach Drivon said this could be a good change.

"Regulation and licensing of the cannabis industry is actually going to increase public safety, its going to increase safe access for medical patients, Drivon said.

But opponents fear more dispensaries could lead to bigger problems.

"People should understand that regulation and licensing of a legitimate market for cannabis does not actually increase the amount of cannabis available in the community, Driven said.

If passed, Measure P would also allow the medicinal marijuana industry to build four cultivate sites as long as they are zoned in commercial or industrial neighborhoods. And dispensaries cannot open near a school, religious institution or a residential area.

"Additionally, they are required outside of a thousand feet of any school outside of 600 feet of any drug treatment facility, child daycare center, Drivon explained.

Measure Q is also on the ballot. This measure would allow the city to tax marijuana but only if recreation marijuana use in the state is legalized by voters this November,

"Its going to allow the city to take advantage of an enormous economic opportunity through taxation of the industry, Drivon said.

The measures propose changes to existing municipal codes and if passed can be changed by the approval of city council.

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: Stockton Voters Weigh Two Pot Measures
Author: Kay Recede
Contact: (916) 454-4548
Photo Credit: Robert F. Bukaty
Website: Fox 40