CO: Marijuana Testing Coming To Grand Junction


Grand Junction, Colo. – Grand Junction City Council voted to amend an ordinance allowing marijuana testing within city limits on Wednesday night.

Grand Junction said its open for business, but now a business looking to call the city home says the only way they can do that is if they can test marijuana for management and control of the legal marijuana supply chain.

"We create a fingerprint that will identify marijuana from that growing facility anywhere outside the supply chain, said Glenn McClelland, the CEO of Source Certain International, who works for TSW Analytics.

TSW Analytics, an Australian-based company, tests thousands of products finding their origin, including marijuana.

In the past, executives with the company have expressed interest in opening their North American headquarters in Grand Junction, but in 2013 the city prohibited marijuana testing.

McClelland is now asking them to reconsider.

"If we can’t get that done then they will have to set-up their lab somewhere they can," said McClelland

They’re interested in Grand Junction because they’ve qualified for the Jump Start program, which gives them a tax holiday for up to 8 years.

"The way the program is structured is very attractive to them. The relationship with CMU is very attractive to them," said McClelland

The companys innovative technology is what qualified them for the program.

TSW Analytics is really one of those poster children for this program, and the type of company that we envisioned when we wrote the statute, said executive director of the Grand Junction Economic Partnership Kristi Pollard.

Legal marijuana use is on the rise, and facilities like TSW Analytics help ensure marijuana products are sold by authorized growers.

"It helps law enforcement. It helps the regulatory environments. It also protects the businesses that are doing things correctly, said Pollard.

TSW Analytics will now be able to open their businesses in Grand Junction.

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: Marijuana Testing Coming To Grand Junction
Author: Kalie Greenberg
Contact: (970) 245-8880
Photo Credit: None Found
Website: KJCT8