Cayman Islands: Medical Cannabis – Why Don't We Grow Our Own?


With a vote this week, The Legislative Assembly has paved the way for cannabis oil to be legally available in this country for cancer patients and others with a medical need.

However, some MLAs have raised concerns surrounding the supply and importation of the drug, which is still illegal in much of the world.

One businessman has a solution: why dont we make it here on-island?

Entrepreneur Prentice Panton of Reflections/Food4Less told Cayman 27 he applauds government for approving cannabis oil for medical use, but he thinks the law should go even further.

Theres still a lot more that we can do and should do to help the people on the island and to help the country as a whole generate income by both the import and export of the medicinal cannabis throughout the world, said Mr. Panton.

He said there are big bucks in medical cannabis, and thinks Cayman is well positioned to benefit from it as more and more jurisdictions relax their stance on marijuana issues.

There is going to be a 100% a green rush into this industry. Theres a big opportunity to create employment on-island, big opportunity for investment into the product and there will definitely be 100% a green rush into Cayman, he said.

In addition to cultivation, research, production and export of the oil, Mr. Panton envisions a full medical facility here for patients who seek cannabis treatment.

One of the things that we are working on is to build a several hundred room medical facility to treat people on island, explained Mr. Panton. Lets think of it as a cancer patient for example, many of them will need months of treatment.

He said as far as the country has come in regards to its attitudes to cannabis, with the proper regulations in place, he would support taking it one step further.

I think government should look at eventually or even immediately allowing the recreational use if you want to term it that, said Mr. Panton.

Mr. Panton said some in the medical cannabis industry have had their eye on Jamaica for this type of treatment facility, but he indicated that interest may shift here as our cannabis laws could be changing faster than Jamaicas are in practice.

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: Medical Cannabis – Why Don’t We Grow Our Own?
Author: Joseph Avary
Photo Credit: Getty Images
Website: Cayman27