FL: Pine Island Man – Marijuana Helped Cure My Cancer


Next month Floridians will be asked once again to decide on medical marijuana.

Amendment Two on the November ballot asks voters to decide on whether to expand Florida’s current medical marijuana laws to include medical marijuana with THC.

Currently low THC cannabis oil is legal in Florida, if prescribed by a doctor. Jason Cole believes the drug helped save his life.

"I had stage two anal cancer; they found it and couldn’t do surgery because of the location," said Cole.

He began chemotherapy and radiation treatments; however, the side effects were harsh on his body.

"It got really rough," said Cole. "It was rough on my family and my children, which in turn made it rougher on me," he added.

Suffering from hair loss, and constant vomiting Cole turned to cannabis oil which he believes helped cure his cancer and reduced his side effects to chemo.

"They (my doctors) did say they saw improvements in me that they didn’t see with other patients who weren’t taking it.

He’s been cancer free since January and he’s hoping amendment two will get the super-majority of 60% needed to pass.

However, opponents say the current language in the amendment is one of the main reasons to vote against it.

"This year they’ve actually changed it to include other things, but they’ve also changed it to include the word other which really allows everybody to get it," said Veora Little, Collier County coordinator of Vote No On 2.

The amendment now lists 10 specific diseases which would be considered debilitated conditions, such as ALS, MS, PTSD and cancer. However, the bill also allows for ‘other comparable debilitating conditions.’

It reads in whole: "a ‘yes’ vote supports legalizing medical marijuana for individuals with specific debilitating diseases or comparable debilitating conditions as determined by a licensed state physician.

"A ‘no’ vote opposes this proposal for legalization of medical marijuana, keeping the state’s current more limited medical marijuana program in place.

Opponents are also concerned over the number of dispensaries that may open around the state. Cole has been cancer free since January and says he believes more people could benefit from the drug.

"There’s millions of people who have access to this right now. What makes us a lesser class citizen here in Florida," said Cole.

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: Pine Island Man – Marijuana Helped Cure My Cancer
Author: Deboarah Souverain
Contact: (239) 574-3636
Photo Credit: AP
Website: Fox 4