CA: Butte Supervisors To Decide Position On Measure L And Medical Marijuana


In Butte County, voters will get to decide again whether they want to change the rules on growing medical marijuana.

Measure L goes before voters in November. It would overturn Measure A, which voters approved more than two years ago and allows most property owners in unincorporated areas to grow medical pot within a maximum of 150-square-feet of land.

Butte County officials say the measure would mean larger commercial grows, more environmental damage and increased burden on public safety.

Supporters say Measure L will finally provide access to safe, clean and tested medical cannabis that Measure A doesn’t provide.

Even so, Butte County Board of Supervisors tomorrow will consider a formal resolution stating its opposition to Measure L.

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: Butte Supervisors To Decide Position On Measure L And Medical Marijuana
Author: Staff
Contact: 530-343-1212
Photo Credit: Randall Benton
Website: Action News Now