People’s Pharmacy – Medical Marijuana Could Ease Neuralgia Pain


I have a question regarding trigeminal neuralgia. My mother suffers from this very painful condition.

Carbamazepine is effective in stopping the pain, but it has side effects that she doesn’t tolerate, even at low doses. Surgery is not an option for her.

Are there any other treatments that provide relief for the pain? I find myself wondering if medical marijuana might help because it has been noted to help with other types of nerve pain.

Trigeminal neuralgia is a disruption of the nerve to the face and head that causes intermittent excruciating pain. It may feel like an electric shock or a burning sensation that can last from seconds to several minutes. This pain can be disabling and is hard to treat, though some patients get relief from anticonvulsants such as carbamazepine.

The possibility of using medical marijuana (cannabis) was suggested in a medical journal article (Current Drug Targets – CNS and Neurological Disorders, December 2004). Research in rats indicates that cannabinoids (the compounds from marijuana) might be helpful for easing the pain of trigeminal neuralgia (Neuropharmacology, July 2007).

We also received this message on the use of a cannabinoid for pain:

“I need a shoulder replacement, but because I must use my arms to get on and off my power wheelchair, the operation would be risky. During physical therapy recently, I got a recommendation for something called CBD (cannabidiol). This is a compound in marijuana, but the THC has been removed so it does not make me high.

“I buy it online and have used two squirts of CBD oil in my mouth daily for four days. I cannot tell you how well this works. I can move my arms again and am looking forward to unfreezing my shoulder.”

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: People’s Pharmacy – Medical Marijuana Could Ease Neuralgia Pain
Author: Joe Graedon and Teresa Graedon
Contact: 706-549-0123
Photo Credit: Getty Images
Website: Online Athens