MI: Medical Marijuana Regulation Among Bills Made Into Law


Lansing – With the Legislature only in session for three weeks after its summer break, there weren’t a whole lot of bills for Gov. Rick Snyder to sign.

But he did sign long-stalled bills to regulate and tax the medical marijuana industry. The bills will allow communities to decide whether and where they want medical marijuana dispensaries located in their towns. The bills also provide for licensing fees, annual assessments and a 3% tax on retail gross income of dispensaries.

Another bill also allows for the production and sale of non-smokable forms of marijuana, such as brownies, candies and oils.

The Senate will return to session for one week in October, and the House of Representatives will return for one day in October, although no attendance or votes are expected to be taken.

Bills signed recently by Snyder

PA 281: (HB 4209) State and local regulation of medical marijuana to provide licensing and regulation of dispensaries, growers, processors, transporters and safety compliance facilities. Create the Medical Marijuana Licensing Board. Provide for licensing fees and annual assessments and a 3% tax on retail gross income. Sponsor: Rep. Mike Callton, R-Nashville.

PA 282: (HB 4827) Create a seed-to-sale tracking system for medical marijuana. Sponsor: Rep. Klint Kesto, R-Commerce Township.

PA 283: (HB 4210) Allow for the production and regulation of non-smokable forms of medical marijuana, such as brownies or oils. Sponsor: Rep. Lisa Lyons, R-Alto.

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: Medical Marijuana Regulation Among Bills Made Into Law
Author: Kathleen Gray
Contact: 313-222-6400
Photo Credit: Glen Stubbe
Website: Detroit Free Press