Breeze Botanicals First Marijuana Dispensary In Oregon To Get OLCC Retail License


Serra, a high-end dispensary in Portland, OR will open its Downtown location Saturday morning as one of the first state-approved recreational marijuana dispensaries. “We’re right on time”.

State agencies have created flexibility for products that now exist in medical dispensaries prior to October 1, 2016 by not requiring those products to be in pre-approved packages. More labs will be accredited in the coming weeks, he said.

The State of OR says that its marijuana testing program is the most comprehensive effort to protect consumers and is the first of its kind in the nation.

The state of OR is challenging new marijuana regulations, hoping they’ll get pushed back. He said 12 recreational retailers can start operating as soon as Saturday.

“The temporary rules hold to goals the Legislature set out for testing of marijuana and OHA and OLCC are doing all they can to utilize certified lab capacity to screen out products tainted by pesticides and other contaminates”, said Andre Ourso, manager of the Oregon Medical Marijuana Program at OHA.

But the head of the Oregon Liquor Control Commission, Steve Marks, said businesses will be allowed to repackage old products into new child-proof containers and add additional information. Under the Oregon Medical Marijuana Program, she had to keep videos for 30 days. To date, the OLCC has approved a total of 326 licenses in the following categories: producers, processors, wholesalers, retailers and labs.

Finally, the agency also banned the use of pot names that are familiar to kids, like “Girl Scout cookies”, “Jedi kush” and “Cinderella”.

“It’s a move to regulate words”, Mr. Marks said.

As for testing, the commission will permit a smaller number of batches in each harvest lot to be tested, even though the new rules mandate testing for all batches in a lot.

For dispensaries that make the switch to OLCC, they will be able to serve both medical and recreational customers.

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: Breeze Botanicals First Marijuana Dispensary In Oregon To Get OLCC Retail License
Author: Remigio Civitarese
Photo Credit: None Found
Website: Mag-SeriesUsa