There Should Be Some Major Sales On Marijuana Edibles In Colorado Soon


New packaging rules for Colorado edibles take effect on Dec. 1, and that means companies will have to unload their current inventories over the next couple months.

Wanda James, owner of Simply Pure, expects the sales to start later in November, according to Marijuana Business Daily.

The new rules say that each package needs two diamond-shaped stamps indicating that it’s a THC-containing product. Individual servings also have to be stamped, according to MBD, and there must be a warning to keep the stuff away from kids, among other new requirements.

BlueKudu, a marijuana chocolate maker, says it has spent $30,000 retooling its chocolate molds to allow for new warnings. The company “welcomes” the warning requirements.

Wana Brands, meanwhile, has spent about $100,000 revamping its production process in Boulder, MBD reported.

That’s one of the major risks of doing business in marijuana: This is an evolving market.

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: There Should Be Some Major Sales On Marijuana Edibles In Colorado Soon
Author: Andrew Kenney
Contact: Denverite
Photo Credit: Nick Oza
Website: Denverite