IN: Opponent Rebuts Leising’s Marijuana Stance


Senator Leising, I wanted you to know that you have a right to your opinion on medical marijuana. You don’t have a right to confuse your constituents on industrial hemp. The references you utilized in your article (“Legalize marijuana? Not so fast,” Sept. 13 issue) make it appear that all cannabis is marijuana and that is simply not true.

1. In 2014, Governor Pence signed Senate Bill 357 into law. With his signature and with a positive vote (including yours), Indiana officially separated industrial hemp from its more adversarial cousin, marijuana. While your concern over marijuana may be justified, it simply must be stated that you should not confuse the two terms and the legislation that was in place for industrial hemp.

2. I have researched the industrial hemp product as an agricultural commodity. It simply can’t make anyone “high.” It follows the Federal Ruling and has less than 0.03 percent THC (tetrahydrocannabinol, the principal psychoactive constituent of cannabis).

3. Dr. Sanjay Gupta, tapped to be the surgeon general of the United States (he withdrew his name, however), has shown full support for medical cannabis.

4. Medical professionals are not skeptical of CBD (cannabidiol, one of over 60 compounds found in cannabis) from industrial hemp as treatment. The lieutenant governor of Virginia, a practicing pediatric neurologist, utilizes it in his practice. Dr. Thomas Minahan, an ER doctor, testified at federal hearings and advocated for people to have access to the same CBD oil that saved his daughter’s life.

5. Industrial hemp is being grown near Indiana in Michigan, Kentucky and Tennessee. Seventy-six percent of the states allow and promote the use of CBD oil from industrial hemp as an option. More states recognize the product’s value for textile, manufacturing and a food source.

6. Your fellow legislators understood the difference between industrial hemp and marijuana. In 2015 the House vote was 97-0 and in 2016, the House again voted unanimously on 1228 at 95-0. These industrial hemp bills were only denied a vote in the next chamber because you stopped them in your committee. Should one be so arrogant to believe that you are more knowledgeable than all of the other representatives? For two years legislation passed through the House chamber without one objection, but you personally, deliberately and intentionally denied other senators the right to vote.

I viewed the video of the hearings and witnessed parents showing concern about their children. They advocated in an articulate, informed and data-driven manner. I have spoken to some of these parents of children who have seizures. I know that these children’s lives are at stake with each convulsive seizure they have. I find not one reason for those with seizure disorders to be denied CBD as a treatment option.

As a candidate running for state senator, I am humbled to review the issues from Hoosiers. We can make Indiana a better place to live, work and prosper.

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: Opponent Rebuts Leising’s Marijuana Stance
Author: Randy Howard
Contact: (812) 934-4343
Photo Credit: Getty Images
Website: The Herald-Tribune