Florida’s Medical Marijuana Measure Gains Momentum, Poll Shows


Despite opposition from drug warriors, doctors, sheriffs and Catholic bishops, Amendment 2 is gaining support, according to a poll released Wednesday by Saint Leo University.

It shows 68.8 percent support for Amendment 2 in September, up from 67.8 percent in August and 65.1 percent in June. The amendment needs 60 percent of the vote to pass.

“It appears as though medical marijuana supporters will get the victory they were denied by voters in 2014,” said Frank Orlando, director of the Saint Leo University Polling Institute. “The higher the turnout among young voters, the better the chance that this amendment passes.”

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: Florida’s Medical Marijuana Measure Gains Momentum, Poll Shows
Author: Jeff Ostrowski
Contact: 1-800-926-POST
Photo Credit: Jeff Ostrowski
Website: Palm Beach Post