Legalize Marijuana Push In N.J. – Should It Be Treated Like Cigarettes Or Booze?


Trenton – Lawmakers from both political parties are mulling whether New Jersey should legalize marijuana, but differ over whether it should be more leniently regulated and taxed like cigarettes, or more restrictively, like alcohol.

Late last week, Assemblyman Michael Patrick Carroll (R-Morris) introduced a bill (A4193) that legalizes marijuana, treating it and marijuana products in the same fashion as tobacco, which is sold only to those over 19 years of age.

Carroll’s bill would also provide for records expungement for certain past marijuana offenses.

Meanwhile, a bill from Assemblyman Reed Gusciora (D-Mercer) was re-introduced in the Assembly earlier this year that would treat marijuana in the same fashion as alcohol, restricting sales to residents 21 and over.

Gusciora’s bill (A2068) would only the possession of an ounce or less and the growing of no more than three mature, flowering cannabis plants. It also calls for the setting of standards by the state for establishments that can grow and sell marijuana to customers.

Both bills would likely face a veto from Gov. Chris Christie. Most recently, the governor did sign a bill into law allowing veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress disorders to receive medical marijuana.

But the governor is strongly against decriminalizing marijuana, and while running for president vowed to enforce federal laws banning the sale of marijuana when running for president, and to crack down on states that have legalized weed.

Bill Caruso, a founding steering committee member of New Jersey United for Marijuana Reform, told NJ Advance Media that he believes that Christie would veto both, but said the purpose of their introduction was to have “the discussion” now, so that “when the next governor is in position, he can make a decision immediately and not have to continue ‘exploring’ this issue.”

There’s also other avenues for passage.

“There’s nothing stopping them from going to the ballot,” noted Caruso. “And saying, let’s punt to the electorate.”

Colorado, for example, legalized marijuana for recreational purposes in 2012 with the implementation of Colorado Amendment 64, a ballot initiative.

In 2014, Colorado’s legal marijuana market (both medical and recreational) reached total sales of $700 million.

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: Legalize Marijuana Push In N.J. – Should It Be Treated Like Cigarettes Or Booze?
Author: Claude Brodesser-Akner
Contact: 1-888-782-7533
Photo Credit: Keith Muccilli