$66 Million Marijuana Tax Revenues To Be Used For Bully Prevention In Colorado


Marijuana is known to have many medical benefits, from people who are suffering a serious illnesses, to people who are plagued with back pain, there’s no denying medical marijuana is a life saver for many. Denver, Colorado legalised both recreational and medicinal marijuana back in January 2014, and due to Proposition BB which was passed by voters last November, the state is allowed to keep surplus marijuana tax revenues which currently stand at $66m.

The surplus cannabis tax revenue will be put to good use and millions of dollars are set to be distributed to schools in the next few months. One program that will be directly benefiting from the weed tax is the bully prevention grant from the Colorado Department of Education.

The Colorado Department of Education are offering new grants of up to $40,000 per school per year for bully prevention which has been welcomed by the community, especially after a video recently went viral showing a kid in Colorado being bullied at a bus stop.

So there you have it, marijuana and its many medicinal benefits have been proven already, but now the financial benefits and what can be done for communities from legalisation have just been knocked out of the park!

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: Another Reason To Legalise Herb – $66 Million Marijuana Tax Revenues To Be Used For Bully Prevention In Colorado
Author: Staff
Contact: Dunk The Biscuit
Photo Credit: Teresa Crawford
Website: Dunk The Biscuit